If You Don’t Take Care Of Yourself, Nobody Will

If you don't take care of yourself, nobody will

It is clear that people like to interact with other people. We want others to love us, take care of us, and spend some of their time with us. However, it is good for us to keep in mind that this is not a basic need. What is really important is that we take care of ourselves, love each other, and learn to be happy for and with ourselves.

No one is really essential to our ability to be happy or to feel complete, even if we often think so. What others give us is really just a voluntary act that is even more enriching when it comes unexpectedly. Those who want to be with us will be with us and take care of us without our having to ask them.

Existence does not allow substitutes

We are all unique and very special. That is why we all have different emotions, experiences and ways of coping with life. Thus only we ourselves can regulate what we are and what we feel. For example, if we want someone to take care of us, then we must first learn how to take care of ourselves.

“Because nobody can learn for you. Nobody can grow for you. Nobody can search for you. Nobody can do something for you that you have to do for yourself. “

Jorge Bucay

Bucay says that no one can grow for us and he is not wrong about that. No one will ever be able to follow in our footsteps, no matter how much they love us. Our greatest expectations and challenges are best all directed in one direction: inside ourselves.

With that in mind, there are many great opportunities ahead of us that we can potentially benefit from. There are also a lot of decisions that we have to make. Taking care of ourselves means that we must always be aware of what can happen to us at any time. Maintaining our inner balance depends only on us.


The importance of taking care of ourselves so that we can eventually take care of others

Even if we lose our inner balance and then have to fight against certain adversities, we will always have many people by our side. But we shouldn’t rely on it because it isn’t always the case. Someone we thought was there for us might be missing. And there is sure to be someone who surprises us, from whom we did not expect it. That is why we cannot 100% assess the strength of the people who accompany us. But we can assess our own strengths.

For example, sometimes we have to break up with someone and we think we can’t go on without that person. We cannot understand that we have to be there for ourselves first and only then for other people. This makes us feel dependent in a certain way. In spite of everything, this is just a mirage. We’ll find a way out and never be gone again.

Because essentially the only one who has to be with you is yourself. Everything else comes by itself in the form of a healing, in the form of a blanket, at distances that were never there. 

Self-confidence is essential in these cases. Believing in yourself is the first step in overcoming suffering and enjoying the things that please us to the fullest. In fact, it is important that we value and love ourselves for who we are so that others can do the same.


The people we love enrich our lives, but we live for ourselves

When we take care of ourselves and love ourselves, it seems that everyone else wants to do the same without any coercion. It makes us feel like everything is much easier. The truth is, the people we love make our lives better. But in the end we are alone. Alone to do what we want and what life gives us.

“We are born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only love and friendship can give us the illusion for a moment that we are not alone. “

Orson Welles

Love, friends and family give us the warmth we sometimes need and support us in all situations. However, you may still feel cold inside if there is no warmth there. It is very helpful to understand that the time that is given is ours only. Just like the decision how we use it.

If you don’t take care of yourself, nobody will. We all have an obligation to take care of our inner self and to let it grow. We have to fulfill our dreams and overcome our weaknesses. We have to find the things that make us happy and then decide if we want to share our happiness with someone who can prove that they would like that privilege.

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