7 Inspirational Quotes From Audrey Hepburn

7 inspirational quotes from Audrey Hepburn

Audrey Hepburn’s quotes show that she was more than just a woman with an angelic face. Behind them is a philosophy of life based on simplicity, the value of self-confidence, the strength of women and, above all, constant concern for people and the weakest. We should not forget the humanitarian work that shaped a large part of the last years of her life.

Nowadays no one can deny that Audrey Hepburn is one of the most breathtaking icons in film history. Her name is still on everyone’s lips in the world of art and fashion. Her style is still being imitated today, and her films are, for most, wonderful tributes to an almost golden age that invites us to dream without limits.

“Anyone who doesn’t believe in miracles is not realistic.”

Audrey Hepburn

We remember her roles in Sabrina, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, My Fair Lady   or Two on the Same Path . What not everyone knows, however, is that Audrey Hepburn had to experience the worst misery first hand before this flawless and brilliant career in the film world. Diana Maychick’s book Audrey Hepburn, an Intimate Portrait  tells of her years in the Netherlands during the German occupation. An expression that undoubtedly allows us to understand the protagonist’s personality a little better.

Between 1939 and 1945, she and her family went hungry. Her uncles and two of her half-siblings were deported to concentration camps and she witnessed countless executions in the street. Her health was very poor at that time. She suffered from severe malnutrition and acute anemia, and also had breathing problems that left their mark on her body forever.

The invasion of the Allies and the United Nations in the Netherlands was not only her salvation, it was also an experience that would shape her life. An experience that would define their demeanor, their humility and their constant interest in helping those in need.

The following quotes from Audrey Hepburn provide a glimpse into the inspiring nature of her personality.

Audrey Hepburn's humanitarian work

1. “Only ordinary people know what love is. Difficult people try so hard to impress that their patience runs out only a little later. “

One of the virtues that most distinguished this actress was her simplicity. Away from the glamor, this elegant world in which she lived, her face, her attitude and her messages radiated this humble and always infectious essence that made her what she was and that she always defended.

Simple people are ultimately the most satisfied. People who know neither pride nor envy and can distance themselves from everything unnecessary in order to give priority to what really matters: love, respect and charity.

2. “My life is not based on formulas or theories, but on common sense.”

What do we mean by common sense these days? “Common sense” is without a doubt a term that we sometimes use lightly without really worrying about it. Common sense is nothing more than the sum total of all knowledge and beliefs with clear common denominators: be careful, balanced and proceed logically. This also means this inner knowledge that we humans develop through our own experiences and through which we understand at the end of the day whether we have acted appropriately in given moments.

3. “The more we mature, the more we understand that we have two hands: one to help ourselves and the other to help others.”

This is another of Audrey Hepburn’s most famous quotes. One fact that can be seen from their biographies is that although she has always been very involved in humanitarian work and helping others , she never stopped promoting her personal growth.

It was not just her childhood and youth that had been difficult times due to the war and famine. Surviving the hustle and bustle of the film world was no easy endeavor. She knew very well that she needed a point of reference: herself. So she always tried to keep both feet on the ground and stay true to her heart.

Audrey Hepburn with dog

4. “I was born with a tremendous need for love and a terrible need to give love.”

We know even the strongest people fall, and Audrey Hepburn has had to look depression in the eyes multiple times. She was that enemy who was always close by her side; this shadow, made up of memories, needs and contradictions.

The need to be loved while giving her heart and affection to others brought her more than just disappointment. But a large part of this emptiness healed in the process of maturation and especially as she devoted herself to humanitarian work.

5. “In order to have beautiful eyes, you have to look after the welfare of others. To have beautiful lips, all you have to do is pronounce words full of kindness. And in order to find your balance, you should always be sure on your way that you are never alone. “

Behind the quotes from Audrey Hepburn there is often one and the same thought, one single important aspect: Without these emotional and psychological attributes that make the most beautiful people, physical beauty loses its value. There are all those who treat their fellow human beings kindly and respectfully and also always take care of themselves – they are really beautiful.

6. “You can learn more about a person from what someone says about others than from what others say about him.”

This, too, is a quote from Audrey Hepburn that will never go out of style. In every situation and in every environment we meet “rumor cooks”, “ignorant chatterboxes” or “gossipers”. People who talk ignorantly and without knowing the background form an opinion about someone and criticize others to the point of exhaustion. We should be very careful with such people.

7. “I often have to be alone. I’m happy when I’m alone in my apartment from Saturday to Monday. That way I recover. “

A punctual loneliness that someone chooses, controls and uses for himself is healthy, and through it we can recover from the problems and pressures of life. Audrey Hepburn knew this all too well. Even if the closeness of her loved ones was always indispensable for her, she understood how important personal freedom, these private hours, were to recharge your batteries.

Audrey Hepburn on vacation in Rome

We’re sure you could identify with more than one with these quotes from Audrey Hepburn. This radiance that she left on the film world was not only seen on television screens, but also reached countless generations to inspire them. She was a good-hearted, humorous woman who loved the simple things that give our existence meaning. A woman who also wanted to leave a mark on UNICEF and who definitely succeeded.

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