5 Unusual Habits That Have The Power To Make You Happier

5 unusual habits that have the power to make you happier

Life is basically just a lot of habits. While some already enjoy the luxury of creating a new routine every day, you probably still have room to get excited about new things that have the potential to enrich your life.

The unusual habits that we will suggest in this article are rarely addressed, but are easy to internalize. You have consolidated a good part of your routine unnoticed and never measured its value objectively. Does your routine make your life worth living or are you just following it out of habit? Today we invite you to take a closer look at your daily habits. Then, if you like, you can try these unusual yet powerful habits.

“The bonds of habit are usually so fine that you don’t even feel them. But when you can feel them, they are already so strong that they can no longer be torn apart. “

Samuel Johnson

1. Sleep in a strengthening position

It might seem strange, but the position you put your body in will affect your posture. If you run with your head down, you may be angry or fragile. However, it is actually this gait that intensifies these emotions .

The same is true when you sleep. For example, if you take the position of a fetus, you will wake up unmotivated and overwhelmed. However, if you stretch out completely, you will likely have a more positive attitude when you wake up.

Sleeping woman

2. Balance each negative experience with three positive ones

This is an unusual habit that we should be putting into practice every day. Have three positive experiences for each negative one. It’s that simple. The goal is to rid your mind and soul of whatever is left of the bad experience.

Negative experiences are echoed. This echo can ruin your mood for the rest of the day, or sometimes longer. If you compensate for your negative experiences with three positive ones at a time, the reverberations of your bad experience will fade away. This is how you can regain your balance.

3. Pretend you’re happy

The brain is an enigmatic and wonderful organ. It’s also extremely creative. In certain circumstances it stops making a distinction between reality and fantasy. For example, when you see a sad movie, you know that what happened is not real. But your brain experiences it as if it happened in real life. The mirror neurons are responsible for this.

Happy man stretching out his arms

You can use this extraordinary mechanism to your advantage: pretend you’re happy even when you are not. Pretend you’re playing the role of someone who is happy. You will be surprised what happens after a short while when you hold up such a happy mirror to your brain.

4. Send nice emails for no reason

This unusual habit is very powerful. It’s similar to number three that you don’t have to feel good about yourself to achieve a positive attitude. When you feel bad, it is good practice to make others feel good. Studies show that helping others is a surefire way to help yourself.

Gifts from the heart enrich the giver. Make a habit of sending warm, positive messages to people you value or love. Don’t send anything typical; the content of the messages should be tailored to the individual. This works very well to lift your spirits when you are having a bad day.

5. Spend your time outdoors

Nature has a great influence on our emotions. The effect starts almost immediately. All you have to do is get out into the countryside somewhere. Here you will experience its healing power on your mind and body.

It’s even better if you can walk barefoot in the grass or spend some time in the sun. If that’s not possible, a daily walk outdoors is still good for you. He will help you organize your ideas, clear your mind and find a balance.

barefoot in nature

What do you think of these five unusual habits? Not many do them, but the truth is, they bring us closer to happiness. So if you want to be happier, it is worth trying them out.

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