5 Tips To Make A Bad Day Better

5 tips to make a bad day better

Who has never had a bad day? One of those days when we get up and everything conspires against us. We run out of soap, our breakfast toast is burning, it’s raining, although the weather forecast said the sun was shining. On the street people look at us as if something is wrong with us. We say something and someone gets it the wrong way. Everything, absolutely everything goes wrong …

Sometimes we have bad days when we have something important to do, but nothing works. Maybe there is a project at work that we are responsible for. We prepared it carefully, but the end results are disappointing. Or we have an important meeting with someone. As soon as we have made sure that everything is ready for the meeting, however, the person cancels at short notice.

Anyone can have a bad day. But we mustn’t just accept it, we don’t have to feel helpless at the mercy of it. There is always something we can do to make a bad day better and ultimately turn it into a good day after all. After all, it’s another day in our lives. And when it comes to our life, there is always something we can do to make it better.

1. Take breaks

Stressful situations sometimes overwhelm us. Often times we feel a little uncomfortable in these situations, but then they become a real problem. Suddenly, without knowing how it came about, we are a nervous wreck and about to explode. But if we counteract stress early on, then our bad day will improve.

Every time we are in a stressful situation, we should take a short break. If the time is right, this break can be longer. We can use this breather to take a deep breath, to read something nice or to listen to our favorite song. You can also take a short walk. The break will help us to distance ourselves from our stress and at the same time it will make us think more clearly.

A woman is standing on a bridge and looking out to sea.

2. Breaking self-fulfilling prophecies

If we have a bad hour in the day, it doesn’t mean the rest of the day is going to be bad. A bad day doesn’t mean that the next few days will come like this. But sometimes we make this very mistake, assuming that the first mishap is an omen for what awaited us in the near future.

This is how we inadvertently create so-called self-fulfilling prophecies. We say things like, “It would have been better if I had stayed in bed.”   Or we say we are being haunted by bad luck. This can happen quite unconsciously, but these are the perfect conditions to get into a downward spiral.

The key is to shift our focus from the negative to the positive, or at least find possible alternatives. Finding solutions will help us make a bad day better instead of feeling helpless and feeling sorry for ourselves.

3. Change body chemistry

Bad moods and stress cause chemical changes in our body. Especially in our brain. Certain hormones are released more, while others are saved. However, we will not be able to bring the body chemistry back into equilibrium by simply wanting it. It is then time to do something for ourselves.

Even a little exercise can help us. This can be a brisk walk or a quick yoga routine. Or why not dance? Exercise can help to positively influence body chemistry. Another option would be to eat healthy foods, especially fresh fruits and vegetables.

A person is walking on the street.

4. Concentrate on the constructive

Every experience, even the negative one, makes us grow. We just have to find the right attitude towards her. Without prejudice, we should ask ourselves whether we can learn something from the situation. What does what happened say about us?

5. Do things better

A bad day is also a good opportunity to challenge ourselves more. Yes, actually, ask for more. If we usually do half an hour of exercise a day, why not do a full hour of exercise instead? If we normally do our job well, we do it better today. Let’s take more time and perform better. We can also do something special for someone we have neglected.

A woman is stretching in the sunset.

Throwing yourself on the sofa and waiting for the day to end is not an option. It is not advisable to just get the day through with just the bare essentials. On the contrary: let’s try to channel the discomfort in a positive direction. We’ll soon feel better and eventually find our mood lifts.

Let us remember that a bad day will also come to an end. The sun will shine for us again tomorrow. If we’ve got through a bad day, tomorrow will feel a lot better. The future is ours.

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