31 Wisdoms From Tibet

31 wisdoms from Tibet

What are we looking for in the world? Health, peace, money, love? The wisdom of the monks of Tibet gives us the answers: We seek satisfaction with ourselves so that we can pass this joy on to others.

Buddhism in Tibet developed in the Himalaya Mountains, then spread more and more and is now of great importance in regions such as northern India, Nepal and Bhutan. The monks of this religion, the Tibetan sages, give us some pointers for a full life and to become happy. In the following we want to introduce them to you …

  1. Speak slowly but think quickly.
  2. Do not judge anyone by their family.
  3. When you   say, “I love you,” say it honestly, with a full heart and without indolence.
  4. When you   say “I’m sorry” , look the other person in the eye. You have to be able to feel that you want to forgive.
  5. Never laugh at other people’s dreams or discourage them from chasing those dreams.
  6. Give people more of you than they expect and enjoy doing it.
  7. Always have your favorite poem or a corresponding sentence in mind.
  8. Don’t believe everything you hear, don’t spend everything you have, sleep like there’s no tomorrow.
  9. Great love and great success always require great risks.
  10. If you lose, try to learn a lesson from it.
  11. Respect yourself, respect everyone else, and take responsibility for all of your actions.
  12. Don’t let a small argument destroy a great friendship.
  13. If you know you made a mistake, don’t try to hide it. On the contrary, confront him and try to find a quick solution.
  14. Spend at least a few minutes each day thinking about your actions by yourself.
  15. We always have to be open to change, but never give up your values.
  16. Sometimes silence is the best answer.
  17. Read more books.
  18. Trust people, but always lock your door.
  19. When you are at odds with your loved ones, do not bring back past events.
  20. Read between the lines of others.
  21. Share with all children; especially your knowledge. That is the only way to achieve immortality.
  22. Be kind to the earth. She gives you what you need every day.
  23. Never interrupt others when they are praising.
  24. Never interfere in strange affairs, then you will not give advice in vain.
  25. Don’t trust someone who kisses without closing their eyes.
  26. Visit somewhere you’ve never been before at least once a year.
  27. If you make more money than you need, use some of it to help others.
  28. Always remember that not all wishes can come true.
  29. Respect your elderly people. They’ve already been through what you’re going through.
  30. Judge your success by what you sacrificed to achieve it.
  31. Your “I” is the goal of your journey, which means to gain a deep knowledge of your inner being.

Gabriel García Marquez said that wisdom reaches us too late … I think that it arrives early in our life, but we don’t know how to access it. We spend half a lifetime finding answers to everything and achieving everything we want.

If we put this advice into practice and guide our actions according to these values, we will gain a calmness that will, in large part, make our lives easier. We live in a world that leaves no room for spirituality or for ourselves to develop, which is extremely important. It is difficult to look within ourselves, but it is worth the effort.

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